6 Hard Truths I Discovered About Myself When I Quit My Job

hard truths about myself

Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.

– Friedrich Nietzsche

For years, my mind was consumed with thoughts about the day I would be able to quit my corporate career. I had spent 11 years working in the brokerage industry and hated every minute of it.

How would I quit? What would I do instead? Was I a complete idiot for leaving a $200 million financial planning practice in order to pursue my passions?

Well in October 2013, I finally got the answers to those questions when I left my cubicle walls behind to pursue my passion for fitness.

The fear was overwhelming not only because of the sizeable pay cut I took, but because I had been conditioned to believe that I needed a “secure” job.

And as the reality of my newfound career started to sink in, I began to discover some unsettling truths about myself.

1. The feeling of security is important.

Whether my job was actually secure is irrelevant and in all reality, wasn’t any more secure than another job out there. It was the feeling that I had security that was important.

I believe the only way to have true security is to be in complete control of your future. And in my case, that means having my own business. But having my own business is scary.

I don’t get to sit back and collect a nice paycheck. I don’t get low cost group health insurance, and I don’t get a generous match on my 401k plan.

I wouldn’t go back and do anything differently and love the fact that I control my destiny now, but there is a lot to be said for the feeling of having a steady job.

2. I was lazy.

I’ll be honest. After 11 years of staring at a cubicle wall and doing soul draining work, I checked out mentally. I was on auto pilot and did as little as I needed to do in order to get through my day.

This is not a good thing. A solid work ethic is a very valuable skill to have and I definitely didn’t have it. I had never thought of myself as lazy until I started working at my new job, which required me to work 12 hour, highly active days.

Now that I work for myself, laziness means failure. There is no paid two week vacation or sick days. It’s all about the hustle now and I’ve relearned the meaning of the words “hard work”.

3. I was an ungrateful bastard.

Breaking into the financial services industry was not due to any skill I possessed. I was granted an interview as a favor from a friend in lieu of the fact that I had zero experience. And even though I showed up in an olive green, double breasted suit that was far too small for me, I was offered a job.

Years later, I was hired by another advisor because I knew one of his clients. I told myself that it was because of my sparkling personality and my stellar interview skills, but that most likely had very little to do with it.

But instead of being appreciative, I treated these opportunities with disdain. I didn’t care that I was given these jobs, because I didn’t like the jobs. I didn’t appreciate my bosses because I felt like I was doing them a favor by working for them.

It was a horrible attitude I realize, but I didn’t care at the time.

Looking back, I see my mistakes and have learned from them. Being grateful for what I have is an important part of my life now and I take time every day to think about that.

4. I was more concerned about looking great than being great.

For me, it was all about image. I got to wear expensive suits, rub elbows with very wealthy people, and call myself a financial advisor for one of the largest and most respected brokerage firms on Wall Street.

I loved handing out my business cards because I felt powerful, respected, and admired. But it was all an act. As much as I loved the idea of being a high powered financial professional, I didn’t do the work to actually earn that title. And in all honestly, I did as little as possible. I just didn’t care about the work.

Now that I work for myself and love what I do, it’s a whole different game. I no longer care about looking good or what people think of me. And ironically, since I began work from home and spent most of my time on my laptop, most people probably think I’m unemployed.

And I’m OK with that.

5. I was a fraud.

This was (and is) by far the hardest thing to accept. Even sharing this right now is very difficult. I told myself over the years that I was good at what I did and just needed to find my groove at work.

After all, it was a dream job that most would die for. I set my own hours, took off six weeks a year, had a great deal of autonomy, got paid well, and had an equity stake in a rapidly growing and highly profitable business.

But I hated it and spent as little time as possible actually working and educating myself. After many years in the business, I should have been far more successful than I actually was.

I should have had my own office and been making at least twice what I was. But I let my ego get in the way. I didn’t deserve my title or for that matter, my job. That is a hard pill to swallow, but it’s my truth.

6. I was a miserable person.

Spending 11 years working in a job I knew was wrong for me was rough. I was so frustrated at the feeling of being trapped in my job that I shut down. I was dejected and took it out on everyone in my life.

My marriage suffered, my friendships suffered, and my family suffered. There were few things in my life that brought me happiness and I chose to bring everyone around me down.

At the time, I told myself that I was the victim; I was the one being wronged. But that was bullshit. I could have done things far differently and looked at my life from a more positive perspective.

Now that I’ve found some semblance of happiness in my life, I can see the toll my misery took not only on my loved ones, but on me.

Live your life!

I’ve had to reevaluate my life many times in order to make the changes I needed. And I know there are millions of you out there who are stuck in the same ruts I was and I urge you to really look inward.

Life is just way too short to spend it being unhappy, ungrateful, and uninspired. Go live the life you deserve. I know I am.

So what are some of your hard truths?

59 thoughts on “6 Hard Truths I Discovered About Myself When I Quit My Job”

  1. I agree with you to a large extent about people being apprehensive of realizing the truth. The everyday schedule, no matter how screwed up or energy-draining, has a hold on us, mainly in the form of familiarity. This breeds a sense of security that does more harm in the longer run. I too have suffered from it and continue to fight it. It is imp. to keep your dreams alive because you never know when you will find the courage to pursue them. Tomorrow might be the big day…

    1. Well said, Anubhav. It’s extremely difficult to break out of the mindset that we “need” our jobs and the security they provide. What people fail to see (until it’s too late) is that there is NO security. We are at the mercy of our employers. And while we may feel safe and it allows us to sleep at night, that is just an illusion.

      I’m a big believer in creating a business for yourself and giving it your all. If you love what you are doing ad are committed to making ti work, no matter how difficult it is, I think that’s where the success will come in.

      1. Hey Steve,

        Lots of this hit home for me. The one consistent trend I find in these articles online is that almost everyone who takes the leap came from a very lucrative position (I don’t have much money and if I quit my job I’m also worried about how I won’t get approved for a mortgage loan). Do you know anyone who has taken the leap while being financially unstable? Yes I have an emergency fund at the age of 32 that could last me around 6-7 months but I don’t see how draining that would help me. I’m a Behavior Analyst working with autistic people and it is mentally draining. I’ve worked my way up and spent 13 years in the field simply because someone got me the job as a teenager and I was naturally good at it. Now, being in a supervisory role, I realize that I was already burnt out like 5 years ago. Everyday I bitch and complain about my job and put in minimal effort because I don’t really agree with the structure of most corporate jobs nowadays. It’s all about proving yourself even after spending so much on school, certifications, and time gaining experience. I had to work 6 months just to get health insurance, accrue PTO, and I don’t even get a retirement plan from the company. If I quit, I lose my health insurance and consistent paychecks but I could really put my efforts into some of the ideas I have been thinking of pursuing for a very long time. Before COVID hit I was ready to start with some side projects and was moving forward with them but I was clinging onto the stable employee life and then held on tight when everything shut down. My passions are soccer and music and I absolutely love helping people when boundaries are set and it doesn’t interfere with my well-being. I’d like to incorporate behavior analysis into these passions and have already compiled a bundle of real-life behavior-analytic videos that I think many people would benefit from. My goal is to create a video for every item on the current task-list related to the highest certification in the field. Unfortunately, I’ve just continued bouncing around to different places doing the same job and I’m really suffering because of it. I stopped making these videos because I just can’t do it while working full time. My mental health is not where it should be and my physical health is deteriorating during this pandemic. So many people talk about striking a balance between working and personal life but I just don’t see how it’s possible. Every day I work late and then just feel exhausted (definitely relate to your lazy comments) so I inconsistently pursue my passions. One night I’ll stay up late working on them, the next night I’ll just stare at the TV screen and waste my time until I fall asleep. This article was real and I appreciate your perspective. Would love to hear some feedback if you have the chance.

  2. This post is a timely read for me. I’m on the path to leaving my corporate job, http://upgradeinprogress.com/2014/07/01/when-you-know-its-time-to-leave-your-job/ and hadn’t given these items much thought. I am a bit nervous about how different things will be (lack of “security”, laziness, etc.) but I know that it’s the right thing for me to do.
    I appreciate that you shared the other side of the “leave your job” story! I don’t think enough of us consider the after-effects that you shared. Great post!

    1. Hey Carissa,
      Good for you for going for it! I see that you are embarking on a freelance writing career. Are you doing much work now? If you want a few pointers on getting more work, I’d be happy to share.

  3. This is a great post, coming my way at just the right time.
    When I stepped out of my managerial gig to start my business three years ago, I stayed on with the company part-time, rationalizing the move as practical (and it was, to some extent). But, underneath, it was because I really needed to feel safe and secure.
    I recently left the company completely, and now I realize that, by staying there, I was really being lazy in my hustle because I still had the feeling of safety and security being met, which meant I didn’t have to try as hard.
    It’s amazing the perspective we gain when we reach the other side of the situation. Thank you for sharing yours, and allowing us to share our own.

    1. Hey James,

      What you did is not uncommon and breaking away from a regular paycheck is scary stuff. And yes, by having that PT job, you allowed yourself not to be in “must do” mode. I’ve been guilty of this as well, even now. If I get a big check from a client, I tend to take my foot off the gas because I know I’m covered for a while. Bad idea.

  4. This is a welcome and refreshing assessment. Very few successful people ever acknowledge that they’ve been “given” something.
    Not only does your essay highlight the challenges faced by the “self-employed,” it also points to the larger deficiencies of American Capitalism: People being tethered to unsuitable jobs just so they can see a doctor when sick, people who make money from money being heaped not just with status but also with considerable tax advantages… We worship Wall Street and denigrate Labor at every turn.
    Unless we change our attitudes (and policies) toward labor, America is destined to have an unhealthy, dissatisfied work force. I wish you all the best on your new path. May you labor your way toward entrepreneurial fulfillment, and take others with you on your ride!

    1. Hi Nancy,
      I appreciate your kind words and the reason I wrote this was because as you mentioned, these things are rarely spoken about.

      My goal is to take as many people as I can with me because it kills me to see so much unhappiness in the work force. Life is just too short for that.

  5. Congrats on making the leap Steve! I know firsthand how difficult it can be. The first time I did something similar, it took me three years to build up enough courage to walk away. But even then, I kept returning to the same-old, same old just for the security you outlined in #1. I’m finally 100% free and plan on never going back to the “grind”. :)

    1. Ed,
      It looks like you have a very nice coaching business going. That’s awesome that you get to what you love every day. I only wish more people would take the “risk” and really go after their true passions.

  6. If you allow me a few thoughts on this post. First excuse my language skills, but I’m confident you’ll understand me.

    In 2009 I lost my job, I didn’t hate my job, I didn’t love it either, I was right in the begining of a promising career. I was so pissed that they laid me off and decided to do my own business so I will never have to worry about lay offs again. I saw the problem as an opportunity.

    5yrs later, I do no vacations, I cant get sick, I work even when I just wasting time like now, my mind is in a different set up now. Everything and everywhere is work.

    I feel confident about myself, but I work more now and I cant say I make more money.

    Bottom of line. There is a trend nowadays says that leave your job to live your life, my point of view is, appreciate your job, your efforts and if it’s not something really against your ethics or mentallity…..stick with it! You can live your life eitherway.


  7. I keep reading these blogs–one day I will take the plunge. My dream is to be a life coach and grief recovery specialist. I have the training, just need to get over the need for job security!

    1. This is exactly what I believe my calling is, but do not have the courage or direction on how to pursue it. What training did you obtain?

      Timely, great article…thank you for posting. I admire how you’ve taken control and overcome your fears. I hope to be in your place one day soon.

    2. Hi Charme,
      What is it going to take for you to get over the need for job security? Is it a certain amount of money in the bank or maybe just taking the plunge and going for it??

      I’m sure you already recognize this but your need for security is nothing more than fear of the unknown. I personally know multiple life coaches who are very successful and there is no reason you can’t be one of them.

  8. Roy, congrats for your courage to admit the hard truths. I recently realized that I wanted everything around me to change but my two girls (wife and kid). Looking at your and so many impressive stories in this blog has been a pleasure and an incentive to put things into action.
    There’s only one thing that’s still bothering me: I set a savings target with which I’d be free to “live my life” and I’m not even close to that. I can live by for a few years without any income with what I saved but with “only” 44 and not knowing what else I can be good at it’s just scary.
    You’re right though! Life is supposed to be lived not bared…
    So for the sake of the scared ones, please keep it up and share as much of your success as you can. Maybe one day I’ll just burn my best suite and start enjoying waking up in the morning.

    1. Hey Filipe,
      Why do you want your life to change? I definitely would not suggest drawing down your entire life savings at this point. You and I are almost the same age and starting over is not as scary as it seems. You need to figure out what your best at and maybe that will turn into a new job or a business opportunity.

      Ask your friends and family what they think your strongest skills sets are. What do they think your best personality traits are? What do you love to do in your free time? What would you do if you could make a full-time living doing anything at all?

      Seriously, ask yourself these questions and if you want to pick my brain, email me directly at steve@endingthegrind.com

  9. This was so inspiring. I’m ready to make the leap. I do not know how and I need help for sure. Thank you so much for sharing this. It was thought provoking and eye opening!


  10. Steve, thanks for this post. I recognise myself in this, and hopefully reading about your epiphany will give me the impetus to dig myself out of my hole.

    1. Craig,
      Thanks for your words but I am not reading any commitment here. Don’t tell me “hopefully” you will dig yourself out. Just do it. Start right now. I don’t want to see your name on some other blog in 2 years saying the same thing. Believe me, I see it all the time and it’s truly sad.

      Don’t want or hope. Just start doing it, even if it’s one tiny step forward. It may not seem like anything, but it’s a little closer than you were yesterday.

  11. Thanks for the blog Steve. I am just 1 year into my “grind” now and I have already realized that I can’t put up with this shit anymore.

    Now, I also know what I am passionate about. I am just looking(creating for myself) for opportunities to make the jump.

    Although there are two factors which are pulling me back a little. Which of course is the so-called “job security”. Thankfully I haven’t become lazy yet (Or may be I actually became lazy and not yet realizing it.

    Can you give me some tips on overcoming this “security” hoax, please?

    Thank you very much.

    1. Karthik,
      Tell me-what do you do for a living and what is it you are passionate about?

      You have to realize that as an employee you are at the mercy of your employer. The moment you no longer become an asset, you may lose your job. And often you will lose it for other reasons. I truly believe that the only real job security is owning a business in which you control your success or failure.

      Hell, even the US Government went through layoffs and lost a lot of employees who were 100% certain that their jobs were safe. There is no safe.

      1. Hi Steve,

        I am working as an Engineer in mining industry at the moment. My passion lies in sustainability, climate change and renewable energy.

        I have decided to work for a start-up part-time for the start, gain learning momentum and then see where it takes me to.

        I do not have aims of earning great money or fame or anything of that sort. I want to feel connected to my work and passionate about it. When I get that “why” right I am sure I will be more happier working even long hours. At the moment, I don’t at all feel excited about my job.

        That’s interesting for me to know that even government organizations lay-off employees. That makes me want to definitely over-come my “security” and “comfort” hoax.

        I will do the best I can.


        1. Karthik,
          Good for you for not only knowing what you enjoy but doing it on the side. You never know what might happen and what doors might open for you.

          I don’t believe happiness is tied to income but rather to how much fulfillment you get. It sounds like you feel the same way.

          I do believe that you should really find work that makes you happy and remember what Tim Ferris says in 4HWW; the opposite of happiness is boredom. Make sure you don’t stay bored for long.

  12. Steve,

    Awesome Post! I’ve got huge respect for the kind of move you made. I made a similar decision after 5 years in finance and I can only imagine how hard it must have been to give it up after spending 10 years building a business. Congrats to making it through and for having your sense of perspective!

    Keep on taking life day by day.

    1. Thanks Brandon.
      It was a brutally hard decision even though I loathed the job. I walked away from a job where I could easily have been earning $300,000-$400,000 per year in just a few years. Instead I chose to take a job running a gym earning $40,000 but I loved it.

      My thought was that if I stayed in my job and started making big money, I would really be trapped. There was no way I could see myself leaving that kind of money behind regardless of how much it sucked. And I didn’t want to put myself in that position.

  13. I could definitely relate to you on the laziness. When I look back, in some cases being lazy is the reason why I was stuck. I knew what I wanted and had a good idea on how to achieve it but made up every excuse in the book not to take action. I guess part of it was fueled by fear but there were surely moments when I just didn’t want to do anything.


    1. Hi Lea,
      Yea, laziness is a killer. I think most people won’t take that honest look at themselves and realize that it’s their laziness that’s preventing them from making the changes they want. Too many people get caught up in the “I work my ass off” mentality but they are not productive. And when it comes to the important things like figuring out what they really want in life and then create a plan to get it, they won’t.

  14. Great post. Honest no frills and to the point. This is something many people can relate to. You presented your experiences in a thoughtful down to earth tone that can resonate with those in the same situation.

  15. I really like your article and i can directly relate to it. I’ve been thinking of quitting my job from many years but the “ifs” and “whys” are occupying me. This fear is really overwhelming. It’s not easy to simply give up and follow your passion.

    1. Elina,
      No quitting your job and starting over is NOT easy but what else are you going to do? Suck it up for the next 30 years? You will stay in a miserable job until it reaches the point of unbearable. Unfortunately that time rarely comes and you might just settle for your current path. If you know that’s not the right path for you, get off it as soon as you can.

      I thought about quitting for 10 years but didn’t out of fear. I’m not kidding when I tell you that I HATED going to work and staring at spreadsheets all day. It was so incredibly boring yet I did nothing about it. I now see how much precious time I wasted and will never make that mistake again.

      I urge you to explore your options and start taking small steps towards changing your situation.

    1. That’s awesome to hear, Juan. If I can connect with someone on an emotional level, I know that they understand my message and hopefully will take action on pursuing their passions.

  16. Steve,

    This is so timely and so inspiring for me today – literally today. I am on the verge of a major decision along these lines and am simply trying to muster up the courage to do what I know I need to. The fear is overwhelming. The thought of losing that imagined sense of security is paralyzing. But you are so right – security is simply an idea. My family knows this all too well from events of the last couple of years. No one is really “secure” in a job where you depend on someone else for your livelihood. I am so glad to have read this today. Thank you for your words and your story!

  17. What you did takes courage and I applaud you. Your story shows that it’s never too late to to quit the rat race. I only disagree with one point – you said that you don’t care about how you look or what people think of you anymore.

    I understand your position, but make sure not to take it to extreme – dressing good and being respected goes a long way for your inner happiness. No man is an island. Just make sure you don’t become obsessed with what others think, that’s where things go downhill.

    1. Thanks Phil, I appreciate that. When I said I didn’t care how I looked, I didn’t mean it literally. I do take good care of myself, keep very fit, and dress well. My meaning was more along the lines of looking irresponsible or foolish for the leap I took..

  18. Thank you, Steve. I would like to share my story that continues to unfold as years go on.

    I work for a Fortune 500 corporation, in a management role, for a career I thought was my life priority.

    Being blessed to have parents who instilled a strong work ethic in myself and siblings, you could say I haven’t stopped hustling since I started my first job at age 15. I’m now 31. I’ve experienced “success” in the on-paper sense: get promoted, make more money, etc. My family and friends like to brag about the successes I’ve had to others, while I tell a different story.

    The costs, I have found, are too deep for me to ignore:
    -as I get older (I’m not saying I’m old, by any means) it is glaringly apparent to me that my priorities are changing. Family is across the country, I have a niece and nephew whom I do not see enough of, and I miss them dearly.
    -my own love life. I cannot blame the men I’ve dated, who have wanted more, but I could never give them more, because I was more committed to my work than my personal life. I suppose it also has to do with work ethic. The imbalance is such an understatement. For as hard as I work at the office, it’s as lazy as I am with my relationships.
    -my health. The stress of the job worsens my type 2 diabetes. My fear of taking the leap is leaving health insurance that covers meds, doctors visits, etc. While I am actively managing my blood sugar levels, my fear of eventually quitting has more to do with not having the health insurance than anything else.
    -I love what I do, but I hate that it’s ALL I do.

    As such, I’ve been working on my exit strategy for quite some time. The deep dive into this career moved me across the country at a time I couldn’t really afford to (my mistake), coupled with the increasing costs of my healthcare, landed me in some serious debt. Paying off my debt has been my focus for the last four years, and is really phase one of my exit strategy (no small feat, but I can say I will be done this December, 9 months ahead of schedule).

    Phase two is looking to be just as long of a stretch of time, and I am hoping I can make it there. The end game is to have passive income (via rental properties and other investments), go to pastry school (yes, ironic), open my own coffee/pastry shop, and call it a day.

    Such a squiggly line between where I started and where I want to be.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this, Jen. All I can say is “wow”! Your story is very powerful and you’ve gone through so much. You seem to have pretty clear goals on what you want and how to get it, but I know it has been and will be a long journey.

      I honestly wish you well and hope that you one day can hang your sign out on that front door.

  19. I have left my high paying soul destroying job in 2010 but still have been too afraid to find a path. point 4/5/6 are me to a t and i am having a hard time breaking this. I feel very lost i think my whole being was caught up in me the accountant and there was no other me and now i am not one so who am I . more power to you to find a career I hope one day I will have the nerve to follow my heart and do what i want to do and really find out what that it is. Thanks for this

    1. Hi Annsie,
      Thank you for being honest here. If you left your job 4 years ago but are not on the right path for you, what exactly are you doing now? Leaving a shitty job is one thing, but not having something worthwhile to do instead is very tough. If I had to go work another boring job after quitting mine, I’m not sure I would last. Having my own business has kept me busy and fulfilled.

      Do you have any ideas on what you ideally want to do?

  20. I am doing a part time job which keeps my hand in where i trained in accountancy, i have had two children in that time so its been fantastic and so worthwhile. The stress of that position was part of the cause of us not being able to conceive I left that job and had a baby 14 months without any help after being told i would have to have ivf to conceive. I have travelled for 6 months through central america, i have moved country and its now about trying to reset up my life. i would love to retrain. unfortunately i am not in a financial position to commit to a 3 year course. my ideal would be accupuncture but I am unable to find any grants available to go back to study. alternatively pottery is a major love of mine but i don’t think there would be a living out of this. I do feel very stuck professionally

  21. I’m not going to put down your new life, but I was where you were 30 years ago and left it all because of the greed. I traveled and established myself in Southeast Asia where people live close to the ground and became a carpenter. In the middle of the life in the trenches I would meet financial big shots from New York and Hong Kong who would be surprised of my knowledge of capital markets and yet make fun of my life choices.
    I learned languages, enjoyed flavors, sensations, sounds and scents worth 20 lifetimes. I have lost everything and made it back again two times over. I have lived on 2 dollars a day and sometimes on nothing but the kindness of people. I remember the people who looked down on me without knowing where I had come from- and those people were just like you.
    I always thought that it was those people who were the true losers.

    1. I suppose the problem is that i have to go back to some sort of work to keep a roof over our heads we live on very little we have a very frugal life. i don’t look down on someone who has done what you have done i have in essence done the same thing just in a different country but i do have to find a way to make a living and after leaving what i did i really really want this time to be something that i will smile always doing. don’t get me wrong i loved accountancy it was the politics that come along with jobs even though i stay out of all that its all around you really. i enjoy figures i love my part time book keeping job i just don’t want to go into a very corporate style job because i have changed and I don’t want that stress and those hours and those people around me. when I say i work part time and mind my children i do get the same response as you i have to say and it has taken me a long time to realise i don’t have to explain how i ended up here to anyone. think i could be a slow learner on some fronts!

    2. Gen,
      I’m not sure which article you are reading, but I don’t look down on anyone. I made a lot of mistakes and learned a lot of lessons. I can respect anyone who creates a worthwhile life for themselves, regardless of what that looks like.

  22. Congratulations on taking the leap! I am at the beginning stages of changing my life, so your post resonated with me. 18 years in the wrong career for me, so I completely understand your point about being miserable. I was unhappy and my job let me feeling unsatisfied. Friends suggested I look for a new job, but as I began a job search, I realized I dreaded another job in the same field. That was when the light bulb turned on for me. I need a major career change. With another 30 working years left, I want to be doing something I love. But, it is so much more involved than just changing a career; I also had to face several hard truths. I’m excited for this next phase of my life! Check out my blog, Life in Transition, marymeehan.blogspot.com. Good luck with your journey!

    1. Hi Mary,
      I love to hear things like this! hat’s awesome that you recognized what is important to you and that you are going for it. Few ever will.

      I honestly wish you well and hope you find what makes you happiest.

  23. Hi Steve,

    I feel very similar to what your blog post lists out in terms of the work ethics and just doing enough. On one hand I feel that the job I am in allows me to learn a lot of things in technology but I am unable to feel the connection of my job with the “big picture” or “meaning”. Further, I think I work with a lot of highly motivated and successful people and don’t think I can compete with them. I do find most of them shallow and seems to be in a personality conflict.

    I have decided to quit my job and even though I don’t know what exactly I want to do with my life, I hope this imposed change will allow me to think more freely and possibly find and align myself with something more meaningful.

  24. I recently (well, about 18 months ago) left a very well – paying job after 14 years. The job was great, but I knew my life needed something more. So I booked a one way ticket to India and now, after traveling the world for well over a year, I am starting to settle down again and working to rebuilt a life.

    It has been the toughest thing I’ve ever done, and I can’t say that this path is the right one for others, but for me – it had to be done!

    Leaving my job – which provided me financial security, friendship, community, pride, and some level of regional fame – too every ounce of my courage to do.

    To this day, I still occasionally struggle with myself, wondering if it was the right thing to do. I then keep coming back to the fact that a long life if not a guarantee – and it is up to each of us to live fully every day.

    Leaving my cushy job has taught me to be humble, look for value beyond money, value friendship and enjoy every day fully.

    Those lessons are making it all worth it!

    I wrote about why I left my job here: http://motivated.life/why-i-left-my-job-to-travel-the-world/


  25. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this post. Although I worked in a much different field than you, it was as if I wrote this myself. Especially the part about mentally checking out, doing the bare minimum to get through the day, and not building my skill set. Just a few weeks ago I quit my full time job. I am 29 years old and am having a crisis! I hated my job in the nonprofit sector and knew what I majored in in college was a huge mistake (unfortunately we find these things out once we actually start working…) Before I quit, I secured a low paying part time job (but I get to work with little kids so that’s fun). I will still be able to pay my bills with this job in the meantime, but I now have the TIME and ENERGY to really do some soul searching on what I am meant to do. I am leaning towards the emergency services field, something I always wanted to do but never really strived too hard for. Just wanted to tell you that this article was very timely for me, even though it’s from 2014 :)

  26. Thank u for this post.Sorry my english is not so good. For me this post was the window where i could see the truth of my life. Im 22 years old unemployed girl. Ya… u might say its not a big deal, but its hard to realize that u live has changed in one day. This summer drag me down, I worked in a reputed company, had financial freedom, was ready to travel and had good plans for my beautiful future. But all my life and plans crashed down. now Im lonely girl with no job and i got into debt…etc. My close friend and boyfriend and some people with whom i had deal they refused to be with me in that heavy moment.I know have to handle this by myself, but I lose confident that i used to had…and i was asking myself what i was doing wrong? i tried to listen my inner voice but didnt get the answer.This post helped me to see the some aspects of my life. I dont usually write a comments but know i feel like that i have to. Thanks

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